Candidate Journey Mapping vs Candidate Experience Analytics

October 01, 2022


As a HR professional, one of your main responsibilities is to ensure that your organization attracts and retains top talent. To do so, you need to provide a positive experience for job applicants, from the moment they apply until they are hired, and even beyond. With the help of HRM software, you can improve this experience by utilizing candidate journey mapping or candidate experience analytics. But which one is better? In this post, we will compare the two methods and give you the pros and cons of each.

Candidate Journey Mapping

Candidate journey mapping is the process of creating a visual representation of every step a candidate takes during their interaction with your organization, from the first contact to the onboarding process. This technique helps you understand the candidate's perspective and identify areas for improvement.


  • Provides a holistic view of the candidate's experience
  • Helps identify pain points and areas for improvement
  • Enables you to create a personalized experience for each candidate
  • Helps you establish a long-term relationship with the candidate


  • Requires a significant amount of time and resources to create and maintain
  • Might not provide deep data analysis

Candidate Experience Analytics

Candidate experience analytics is a method of collecting data through HRM software to analyze and measure the candidate's experience at various stages of the recruitment process. This technique helps you understand how candidates interact with your organization and identify areas for improvement.


  • Provides valuable data on the candidate's experience
  • Enables you to measure the effectiveness of your recruitment strategies
  • Allows you to make data-driven decisions to improve the candidate experience
  • Requires less time and resources compared to candidate journey mapping


  • Might not provide a complete understanding of the candidate's perspective
  • Might not provide a long-term view of the candidate's experience


Candidate Journey Mapping Candidate Experience Analytics
Method Visual representation Data analysis
Perspective Candidate Organization
Time and Resources High Low
Data Analysis Limited Comprehensive
Long-term view Yes No


In conclusion, both candidate journey mapping and candidate experience analytics can help you improve the candidate experience in your organization. However, which one you choose ultimately depends on your organization's goals, resources, and priorities. If you want to create a personalized experience for each candidate and establish a long-term relationship, candidate journey mapping might be the best option. On the other hand, if you want to measure the effectiveness of your recruitment strategies and make data-driven decisions, candidate experience analytics might be the best choice for you. Either way, utilizing HRM software can help you attract and retain top talent.


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